‘All that is more than me’
‘Most other places I know, water is a discrete entity. It is hemmed in by well-defined boundaries: lakeshores, stream banks, the great rocky coastline. You can stand at its edge and say “this is water” and “this is land.” But here in these misty forests those edges seem to blur, with rain so fine and constant as to be indistinguishable from air and cedars wrapped with clouds so dense that only their outlines emerge.
After hours in the penetrating rain, I am suddenly damp and chilled and the path back to the cabin is a temptation. I could so easily retreat to tea and dry clothes, but I cannot pull myself away. However alluring the thought of warmth, there is no substitute for standing in the rain to waken every sense—senses that are muted within four walls, where my attention would be on me instead of all that is more than me. I could not bear the loneliness of being dry in a wet world. Here in the rainforest, I don’t want to just be a bystander to rain, passive and protected; I want to be part of the downpour, to be soaked, along with the dark humus that squishes underfoot.”
― Robin Wall Kimmerer, Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants
'All that is more than me' monotype on Somerset paper. Total image: 224 x 152cm 2024
'Hard-pressed but not crushed' monotype on Somerset paper. 112 x 76cm
'Concealment' Monoprint on Somerset paper.
38 x 56cm
'Bewilderment' monoprint on Somerset paper.
38 x 56cm
'Disorientation ii' monoprint on Somerset paper.
38 x 56cm
'Wildwood' monoprint 112 x 76cm
Using monoprinting, Fouhy explores how to work by intuition and emotional reaction to the forest environment. For her, the forest experience symbolises states of lostness, bewilderment and fragility in the face of the unknown. Simultaneously the forest is a place of healing both for the individual and for the planet; a fertile place for the imagination.
'Re-finding' monoprint 76 x 56cm
'Echoes i' monoprint 76 x 56